Really like the melody. Could use some more lower sounds to balance out the frequency mix though. All the main instruments are so high that it sounds a bit like a highpass was placed over the track.
Really like the melody. Could use some more lower sounds to balance out the frequency mix though. All the main instruments are so high that it sounds a bit like a highpass was placed over the track.
I'd like to point out that this song is *six years old* so critiquing it at this point is kind of pointless, but what happened is that I had no idea what I was doing. Bass takes up a lot of headroom, so in order to push the volume of the song up I simply didn't have very many low frequencies because I didn't know how to mix properly.
The piano and plucked-sounding synth really make the track for me. The bass is a bit heavy though - especially after listening to it a few times. It kind of overwhelms the rest of the song.
Yeah we need an Easy Listening in general haha. Great track - one of my favorites. Very peaceful, especially once the piano comes in. There could be a bit more balance with lower frequency sounds though, as the track gets a bit high at times especially when the synth comes in.
Yeah this is trance but it's not a big deal. Love the piano and the diversity of sounds.
Great track
Very retro and nostalgic sounding. Really like how chaotic it sounds on the surface, but actually if you listen, every sound is placed very intricately. Lots of ear candy. :D
Just looking back on a lot of old songs I used to listen from here. Brings back a lot of memories. Great stuff. The fusion between the acoustic and electronic instruments is great, and the melody's very catchy.
Very peaceful. Sounds like a light, simple orchestral piece at first impression but always keeps me mesmorized when I listen through.
Brings back memories. Like this a bit more over the original for the diversity in sounds (less highpass sounding)
Piano was really nice. You've slowed down a bit from your earlier works, but that's not a bad thing. :P
I can't play an instrument to save my life, but I can keep pecking at those notes until I get them right! :P
Joined on 5/27/06